The South African Student’s Congress  (SASCO) takes this moment to congratulate the Young Communist League of South Africa [YCLSA], the youth structure of the SACP held a successful 5th National Congress. Which SASCO participated in its commissions and delivered a message of support.

We trust that the National Committee will lead the struggle to liberate the downtrodden working class youth, wage a war against:

– Youth Unemployment,

– Alcohol and Substance abuse,

– Gender Based Violence,

– High DATA cost,

Ensure that in our lifetime we see delivery of:

– Land to our people,

– Access to quality Healthcare,

– Delivery of full Free Quality Education,

We have full confidence and and declare our full support to the collective as led by former NEC member of SASCO Cde Tinyiko Ntini and former SASCO Provincial Secretary of Limpopo Cde Mabuse Mpe. SASCO has always been the source for the Party and YCLSA in producing revolutionary intellectuals for the mass democratic movement and we remain hopeful and inspired to uphold that legacy.

True to our principle of producing working class leadership, the 20th NEC will work tirelessly to build the image of SASCO and maintain its positions in the mass democratic movement as the intellectual hub.

We wish them well on their responsibilities and would implore that they remain humble and true to the struggle for socialism in our lifetime.

Issued On Behalf of SASCO NEC

For Enquiries

SASCO President

Avela Mjajubana

Cell: 078 253 8406

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